Trial entry criteria updated 2025
TRIAL ENTRY CRITERIA (NWSDS including Affiliated Societies) (unless otherwise stated in members diary)
AGORED/OPEN [National style]: Any handler and dog, worldwide, no restrictions.
DOSBARTH 2/CLASS 2: UK based handlers only. Dogs who have not been placed 1st or 2nd in an Open trial, held anywhere in the world. (updated 2025)
DOSBARTH 3/CLASS 3: UK based handlers only (not dogs) that have not won a single prize of more than £15 anywhere in the world. (updated 2025)
DECHREUWYR/BEGINNERS: Non-competitive (fun) for new or inexperienced handlers. Coaches / mentors who are experienced, trialists can accompany handlers at the post and if helpful accompany them walking the course during their run (often held alone or in conjunction with a local class).
NOTE (1): Qualifying points for entry to the Welsh National trial may be awarded to the first six places at any designated Open trial in Wales, provided a minimum of 25 have competed and the course includes an outrun, lift, fetch, drive, pen or chute. (agreed at the I.S.D.S. AGM 2022). The Society’s Championships are not an open trial (as it is a members only event). All classes, including an open class, must be run separately to any other class and must be entered when the handler books in.
NOTE (2): Individual handlers are responsible for the welfare (including possible injury) and conduct of their dogs and must carry out their own risk assessment of the tasks asked of their dogs during the trial e.g. deciding whether their dog(s) are fully fit to run the trial course and are kept under control and supervision at all times.