Safeguarding means enabling people to live their lives free from harm, abuse and neglect and to have their health, well-being and human rights protected.


Safeguarding is a key governance priority for all charities not just those working with groups traditionally considered at risk. The Society fully accepts its legal and moral obligations to exercise its duty care for everyone who comes into contact with it not just children and vulnerable adults.

Every individual irrespective of age, gender, religion, ethnicity or disability has the right to be safe from abuse and to be treated with respect and dignity.

To comply with their legal duties the Society Trustees will react responsibly to all reports of safeguarding risks and incidents of abuse. All allegations of abuse are taken seriously and will be responded to swiftly and appropriately.

Although the Society does not provide any direct services for children and vulnerable adults it may, through its activities and those of Affiliated Societies (organising and holding sheep dog trials), still come across instances of abuse.


Examples of abuse that may be encountered include (non-exhaustive list):

Physical abuse – hitting, slapping or inappropriate sanctions

Sexual abuse – rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which there has not or could not been consent and/or the person was pressured into consenting

Psychological abuse – threats of harm, coercive control (coercive control is an act or pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation, intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten the victim), humiliation, verbal or racial abuse.


Any Society member (Individual or Affiliated Society) who witnesses such instances of abuse during the organising and holding of sheep dog trials or has concerns should report them to the Secretary or a Trustee.


Trustees will report to the Secretary (the responsible person) who will record the concerns and in all cases report them to the Police for them to determine what further action, if any, to take.

Should the abuse involve any Officer / Trustee of the Society the incident will also be reported to the Charity Commission as regulator by an instructed member of the Trustee’s Management Committee.

A detailed record of the concerns and all actions taken will be maintained by the Secretary or a nominated Trustee and shared with the appropriate agencies as necessary. It will be held securely for as long as advised by the enforcement agencies / regulators.

This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually by the Trustees Management Committee.